2015년 1월 24일 토요일
체중 감소에 효과적인 운동시간: 아침식사 전 (벨기에 학자 연구결과)
벨기에 학자들이 2010년 연구결과 아침식사 전 공복에 운동하면 체중 감소에 효과
젊고 건장한 실험 대상 자원자들을 3 그룹으로 나눠 6주간 (한 달 반)
식사 때 보통사람보다 30퍼센트 많은 칼로리와 50퍼센트 높은 지방을 섭취하도록 한 결과
1 그룹의 사람들 (운동하지 말고 먹기만 한 그룹)은 6파운드 (2.7킬로그램)
2 그룹의 사람들 (운동하되 아침식사 이후 시간에) 은 3파운드 (1.4 킬로그램) 체중 증가.
3 그룹의 사람들 (운동하되 아침 식사 전 공복에)은 체중 불변.
그뿐 아니라 1, 2 그룹은 체중 증가에 더해 비만과 당뇨를 일으키는 인슐린 저항성 향상으로 근육에 지방세포가 늘어남. 그러나 3 그룹은 체중도 늘지 않았지만 인슐린 수준도 양호.
결론적으로 아침 공복에 운동하는 것이 식사 후 같은 양의 운동을 하는 것 보다
체중 증가 방지에 더 효과적이라는 연구 결과.
Ask Well: The Best Time of Day to Exercise to Lose Weight
What is the best time of day to exercise, if my goal is weight loss?
You might try setting your wake-up alarm earlier and exercising before breakfast. There is some evidence that working out on a completely empty stomach — or, as scientists call this woozy, wee-hours condition, “in a fasted state” — prompts the body to burn more fat and potentially stave off weight gain, compared to exercising at other times.
In a groundbreaking 2010 study, researchers in Belgium persuaded young, healthy men to stuff themselves for six weeks with a diet consisting of 30 percent more calories and 50 percent more fat than the men had been eating. Some of the volunteers remained sedentary while gorging. Others began a strenuous, midmorning exercise routine after they had had breakfast. The third group followed the same workout regimen, but before they had eaten anything.
At the end of the six weeks, the sedentary group predictably was supersized and unhealthy, having gained about six pounds each. They had also developed insulin resistance and larded their muscles with new fat cells. The men who exercised after breakfast had also packed on pounds, about three pounds each, and developed insulin problems. But the men who had exercised first thing in the morning, before eating anything, had gained almost no weight and retained healthy insulin levels. Their bodies were also burning more fat throughout the day than were the other men.
Of course, the early-morning exercise prevented weight gain, which is not the same thing as inducing weight loss. But the results are encouraging for those who hope to shave off a few pounds, said Peter Hespel, a professor in the Research Center for Exercise and Health at Catholic University Leuven in Belgium and the study author.
“The optimal strategy to prevent increases in body weight is obviously to combine a healthy, well-balanced diet with a physically active lifestyle,” he said. But if you are cheating on the healthy and well-balanced diet part, “we demonstrated,” he said, “that early-morning exercise in the fasted state is more potent than an identical amount of exercise in the fed state” for maintaining healthy waistlines.
(Jan. 23, 2015 뉴욕타임스)